Her Upper GI series showed a large submucosal mass along the greater curvature at the gastric body. This small curved to spiral rod-shaped bacterium is found in the surface epithelial mucus of most patients with active gastritis. 上消化道摄影显示在胃大弯有一大的粘膜下肿瘤。在大多数急性胃炎病人的黏膜上皮可见小弯曲螺旋状杆菌。
Correlation of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase gene with alimentary tumor Her Upper GI series showed a large submucosal mass along the greater curvature at the gastric body. WWOX抑癌基因与消化道肿瘤研究进展上消化道摄影显示在胃大弯有一大的粘膜下肿瘤。
1000 cases of the upper GI series examinations. 材料和方法:采用GEAdvantxDR成像系统对1000例病人进行上消化道钡餐检查。
A new method of immobilization of whole cells containing glucose isomerase ( GI) using cellulose diacetate ( CDA) as carrier for preparation of fiber-entrapped enzyme has been developed after a series of procedures were studied. 本文研究了用二醋酸纤维(CDA)包埋含萄萄糖异构酶(GI)菌体制备纤维状固定化酶的方法。
Image Processing of Digital Radiography in The Upper GI Series DR在上消化道钡餐检查中的图像处理
Objective To evaluate spiral CT ( SCT) scanning in the diagnosis of gastric ulcerative carcinoma by comparing it with upper gastrointestinal series ( GI), fiberoptic gastroscopy and surgical findings. 目的与胃钡餐造影(GI)、纤维胃镜(FG)及手术标本对照,明确螺旋CT(SCT)成像技术对溃疡型胃癌的诊断价值。
Methods Six cases of exogenous duodenal leiomyosarcoma were examined with upper GI series, B US, CT scan and/ or MRI and angiography. 方法外生性十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤6例,均行消化道钡餐造影,B超检查,CT检查和/或MR检查和血管造影检查。